Sunday, September 8, 2019

3.1 Biomonitoring

Lab Results from Blood and Urine Samples
The following chemicals were found at levels for which there are no “safe” levels
Potential Health Effects 
Carcinogen, endocrine disruptor, cognitive disfunction
Reproductive toxicant
(pesticide) neurotoxicant, Parkinson’s
Neurotoxicant, kidney toxicant, insomnia, impotence
Liver toxicant, neurotoxicant
Carcinogen, toxic to immune, neuro, and repro systems
Repro toxicant (infertility), testicular damage, endometriosis, endocrine disruptor
In your Blog, discuss your first thoughts AND feelings upon getting this news.
After receiving the blood and urine samples, I immediatley feel shocked. I recognize many of the chemicals but am unware with how I would have been exposed to them. I, a public health major, know so much less than I thought I did. How could I be so unaware? This is the craziest thing to me: there are potentially dangerous health effects caused by chemicals in products we use daily or weekly, and most of us are completely unaware. 
I then immediately shift my focus to DDT which has been outlawed in the United States but is continually used in other countries. I realize that this potentially means that if other countries are using DDT agriculturally then not only are those people being exposed to a toxic chemical but potentially so are we if they ship fruits and vegetables to the United States. 
I also feel sad thinking about my potential future as a mother. I'm glad I am aware of these chemicals and their effects now so that I can avoid as many of these as I can when/if I were ever to be pregnant. I think if I were to give birth to a child who had a birth defect that was linked to these chemicals I would be heartbroken. Which makes me feel heartbroken for all the agricultural working women here in the US, and beyond, who are constantly exposed to toxic pesticides. 
I think to sum up my feelings overall tho, I would say I just feel hopeless. It seems like everything is either killing us or the earth, and all for what? To turn a profit. 


  1. Wow, I hadn't even thought about the use of DDT in other countries and how we sometimes receive our produce from these countries. Great observation! I can relate to your feeling of hopelessness. It almost feels like there isn't much I can do, even as a conscious consumer, to avoid my exposure to such toxic chemicals. They are everywhere and in everything. As Public Health professionals, it is our job to see past those feelings of hopelessness and try to find a way to better our communities health here and around the world. I think we should work hard to bring awareness to anyone we come into contact with and ask them the simple question of, "Do you know what chemicals are in your daily products, produce, and home?". What do you think?

  2. Hi Lorena,
    Using DDT in agriculture especially in developing countries is a global health issue. Because, we see in the U.S. some products including fruits, vegetables and dry fruits are importing from other countries and we are not sure whether these products have been pre-tested by government or not? I (personally) cannot count on current legislators to bring a major change on toxic substance control act 1975 amendment but have a bright vision for the future and believe that our young public health professionals and young generation would bring a solstice changes on toxic substance control act. It means, we shouldn’t be downhearted and discouraged, instead, we are fighting until to bring these changes and will save our children and next generations!

    Thank you for sharing your thought.

