Friday, October 11, 2019

8.3 Pesticides

What did you find out about the pesticide residues that may be in or on your food? What do you think about this? What should we be doing about this in terms of public health, not just in terms of our personal choices?

For dinner last night, my girlfriend and I made tacos. We had beef, avocado, salsa, and paired it with a kale salad. As I began to type this blog post I assumed that the kale salad would have the highest level of pesticides. I figured the avocado wouldn't be that bad, and beef didn't even cross my mind. I'm aware this might sound dumb, but I wasn't expecting to find beef on the list of What's on my Food website. I'm aware that some cows are treated with rbGH hormones, but I wasn't expecting beef to have levels of pesticides in it. I was shocked to find that beef has a springy large amount of pesticides in it. To my surprise, beef can contain carcinogenic, and hormone-disrupting pesticides. It can also have pesticides that cause developmental, reproductive and bee toxicity.

The avocado had 0 pesticides.Kale, on the other hand, had 55 potential pesticides. 55!That is absolutely insane!

This is an issue public health must tackle. While public health may not have the resources to fight against large pesticide companies, awareness is a good place to start. If more people were aware of the consequences then maybe they would make more of an effort to buy organic. This leads me to a depressing thought: what about the people who can't afford to buy organic? I am especially concerned for women who are trying to become pregnant and are dedicating so much time to eating healthier. If they choose the wrong foods, they are potentially unknowingly increasing their intake of developmental and reproductive toxins. 

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