Friday, August 30, 2019

Environmental Health Home Assessment

This assesment was a bit of an eye opener for me, I was completley unaware of how many things I have in my home that could contribute to a toxic environment. The question regarding the age of my home made me do some research and I realized our home was built in 1925 and then renovated in 1965. We haven't done any renovations since moving in, and it makes me realize I'm unaware if we have done any lead testing. 
The most eye opening thing for me however was the use of candles and plugins in my home. Currently, we have candles and plugins in almost every room of the house, except the kitchen. 
I also realized that while we have food and water in case of an emergency, we do not have a disaster plan, fire evacuation route  and also that our fire extinguisher is expired.  


  1. Hey Lorena!

    I agree with you on how eye opening this assessment was. I just recently moved into my apartment a few months ago and I realized that there are signs that comment on the possibility of chemicals in the building and how it may be hazardous. My parents back in Southern California was built in the early 90's and it is relieving to know that there would be low to zero levels of lead used during the building of our home. I am also a hug candle lover and will burn a candle or something similar in the evening times. Do you think you will now prepare a disaster plan or fire evacuation in case of emergencies?

  2. Hi Lorena,

    Like you I was concerned when reading about the harmful effects of burning candles and such. Personally I love burning incense, and during my undergrad I was living with 3 other roommates who also loved burning candles. We literally always had a candle or incense burning, every single day we were at the apartment. Oops.
